Storage! You love it, or hate it.
Lincoln built Liberty V-12 born on October 6, 1918 she's a Libra, like me!
In the foreground the score of a century-a Packard #537 from the sand dunes of Afghanistan. Indiana Jones would be proud!
What's under the tarp? A Packard built Liberty...and various Liberty parts.
By: Mrs. Speedi
The storage shed. It has many things. Including a few amazing engines! We're building a house-I checked on some wood we took delivery of. There they were, the engines. Like good little soldiers-part of my husbands vast collection. It's starting to look like a museum in here! Between gorgeous lighting for the house, there's these beauties. Worth a minute to capture with my camera. We'll wait for a rainy day, to catch Mr. Speedi in a chatty mood. Maybe he'll tell us the story of that cosmoline shrouded engine? It's NOS and totally untouched. Building is stressful, looking at these old relics made me happy! I hope they make you happy too :)